
Prodigy Healing is a team of highly experienced energy workers and holistic wellness practitioners. We utilize several modalities including Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Divine Healing, Reiki, ProdigyClear (our own highly-advanced system) and others, including intuitive work.


Founded in 2019, Prodigy Healing was started by a mother and son team, Marylee Nicholas and Jamie Girardi, dedicated to bringing their combined skills to others through their work. Both have had many physical, emotional, and traumatic things happen in their lives, and this kind of healing helped them both tremendously. This is why they are focused on helping others work through physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances to become their best, most vibrant, and most authentic selves.


At Prodigy Healing, we use multiple healing modalities to help your body restore health on its own.

The Emotion Code, developed by chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a painless, non-invasive process to free yourself of trapped emotions (emotional baggage).

We use muscle testing (a form of biofeedback) to access information stored in your subconscious mind. It is a simple process of asking yes or no questions, and assessing your body’s response. This process often identifies trapped emotions that may affect physical and emotional wellness. Once we find a trapped emotion, we can release it using a magnetic field and principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Trapped emotions describe the negative emotional energy that is generated during a difficult time or experience.

The Emotion Code allows us to release these emotions without the need to analyze, discuss, or re-live the experiences that may have trapped these emotions in the first place.

By utilizing this holistic modality, many people have found it helps ease physical discomfort, overcome emotional distress and negative thinking, conquer self-doubt and anxiety, be open to love and relationships, and more.
The Body Code, also developed by Dr. Nelson, takes the Emotion Code several steps further. It is designed to help identify and correct energy imbalances that may cause myriad physical and emotional problems.

The Body Code focuses on the holistic health and well-being of a person by dealing with both the energy body as well as our physical body. When working with our energy body, we can release trapped emotions (via the Emotion Code) as well as correct blocked chakras, meridians (the same as in traditional Chinese medicine & acupuncture), and more. With the physical body, we work to release toxins, alleviate nutritional deficiencies, correct structural imbalances, and more.

The Body Code advanced wellness method helps your energy and physical bodies balance in six different ways:

  • Energies – Remove potentially damaging emotional and mental energies
  • Circuitry – Correct Chakras, acupuncture meridians, circuits for glands and organs, and spirit/body connections
  • Toxicity – Identify and address possible harmful toxins that may not show up on traditional tests
  • Pathogens – Identify and correct possibly destructive and elusive pathogens
  • Structural – Pinpoint imbalances in bones, organs, muscles, nerves, connective tissue, and gently correct them
  • Nutritional – Identify nutrient deficiencies, hydration issues, needed activities, or the need for body work
Via muscle testing, we quickly test for these imbalances by asking your subconscious, or your “ultimate computer,” as it knows exactly what your body needs.

People who have used this holistic modality have reported improvements with digestive trouble, bed wetting, hormonal issues, chronic discomfort and pain, organ function, addiction, emotional distress, fatigue, learning difficulties, joint and muscle problems, night terrors, sleep issues, anxiety, weight and food issues, sinus trouble, spiritual awareness, and much more.
The Belief Code, developed by Dr. Nelson and the Discover Healing team, is a powerful modality to find deeply rooted negative belief systems in our subconscious.

Most problems we face, whether they manifest psychically, emotionally, or psychologically, are rooted in our belief systems. Our beliefs may be inherited, absorbed, or created from our own traumas and experiences.

When we use Belief Code, we find all the connected beliefs that create the negative belief system. We then remove any impediments or imbalances that are blocking the removal of the belief system. After we remove it, we generally replace it with positive beliefs and reorganize the subconscious to account for the adjustment.

This modality is very powerful and we have seen remarkable and drastic results.
Developed by Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire, Shekiera Shaozen, and Mary Liomariss de Tute, this channeled method of healing is based on the Spiritual Law “ask and you shall receive.” It enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of core patterns and thus frees your life force for greater health, connection, and well-being.

It can access and clear the following:

  • Your soul records and soul programs
  • Inherited ancestral patterns
  • Unresolved past life issues
  • Hidden ego agendas, sabotages, and conflicts
  • Blocked energy in the subtle bodies and chakras
  • Fear programs
  • Interference energies, including entities
  • Physical, mental, and emotional imbalances
  • Blocked energy in the organs and glands
  • Genetically encoded imprints
  • Judgements and negative beliefs
  • Shock and trauma

It can also facilitate the following:

  • Regeneration and rejuvenation of your cells
  • Enhancing of brain functions/integration
  • Stabilization of hydration/dehydration in the body
  • Encoding of healing essences, colors, and crystals
  • Balancing your body’s nutrition and biochemistry
  • Harmonizing and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras
  • Balancing the five elements
ProdigyClear™ is a healing modality specifically designed to find and clear the following:

Subconscious and Soul Programs: These disrupt daily life and inhibit personal and spiritual growth. Removing these deep subconscious beliefs helps us see why we attract negative energies and influences, and clears the path forward for the best version of you.

Negative Interference & Detrimental Energies: Negative forces, such as entities, attached spirits, etc. can have a detrimental effect on our well-being. Removing these forces and their influences allows us to return to our true selves and move forward on our path. This also includes negative cords, contracts and vows, interdimensional interference, past life issues, etc.

We also ensure that you are fully shielded. Shielding is also a critical part of the healing process. As we grow emotionally and spiritually, we often become more sensitive to those around us, and we may unwittingly absorb negative things from others. Before the end of the first session, we will remove any impediments to shielding and ensure your shield is at 100%.

And much more!

This system works in harmony with Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code.
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is a powerful and advanced form of hypnotherapy designed to regress clients through one or more past life experiences and then talk directly with the client's Higher Self to answer questions and access incredibly powerful healing.

This is one of the most powerful and fastest modalities we have found for affecting rapid changes and opening yourself to growth.

QHHT must be done in-person and takes 3-5 hours. Generally a person would only need 1-2 sessions. If you are interested in QHHT, please contact Jamie via the contact form.
Jikiden Reiki (直傳靈氣) is the first form of reiki, originated by Mikao Usui in 1922. The word “reiki,” roughly translates to “spirit energy.” Reiki, in general, is either a hands-on or remote healing modality that channels ki (氣)(aka: chi, qi (气), prana) into the body, activating the body’s natural healing processes.

Reiki has myriad uses and is often utilized in harmony with other healing modalities. It is also widely recognized as an effective alternative medicine.
  • The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ are trademarks of Discover Healing. ProdigyClear™ and ProdigyShield™ are trademarks of Prodigy Life LLC.
  • Prodigy Healing cannot guarantee any specific results, and reported results do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using above listed modalities.