Jamie Girardi and Marylee Nicholas on The Soul Unleashed Podcast

Prodigy Healing on Soul Unleashed Podcast

The Soul Unleashed podcast, hosted by Mike Nicholas, recently showcased the insights of the Prodigy Healing team. In January 2024, Marylee Nicholas and Jamie Girardi delved into their profound journey in the realm of energy work. They expounded on the intricacies of energy work, shedding light on their unique approaches, methodologies, and the process of conducting transformative sessions with clients at Prodigy Healing.

This captivating episode provides an enlightening glimpse into the world of energy work and the fascinating backgrounds of the Prodigy Healing team.

The Soul Unleashed

The Soul Unleashed is a unique podcast catering to individuals with type-A, left-brained tendencies, who harbor a profound awareness of an existence beyond their meticulously organized lives, yet struggle to connect with it. Hosted by Mike Nicholas, a self-professed recovering left-brainer who navigated a challenging spiritual awakening, the podcast serves as a guiding light for like-minded individuals seeking self-discovery. Infused with humor, Mike’s mission is to facilitate the liberation of others’ souls from the constraints of dogma and limiting beliefs, empowering them to attain inner tranquility and happiness.

If this resonates with you, please check out Prodigy Healing on Soul Unleashed Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and Apple Podcasts!