Prodigy Healing’s experienced practitioners are here to help you on your journey to wellness. With backgrounds in various modalities and techniques, Marylee and Jamie would be happy to work with you on your current concern. Read on to learn more about how our practitioners can help you.

Marylee Nicholas

Marylee Nicholas - One of Prodigy Healing's experienced practitioners and energy worker with Prodigy Healing

Marylee Nicholas joins the team at Prodigy Healing with the goal to help you heal and be well. She is happy to facilitate sessions that are for that purpose. With a varied background in music, education, and administration, she has been certified in the healing modalities of The Emotion Code, The Body Code, and Divine Healing Master Key.

The goal of these modalities of healing is to help identify and correct imbalances that may cause emotional and physical problems. With the right energy balance, we believe that the human body has a powerful ability to restore its own health. Sometimes the sessions result in immediate relief from issues, and sometimes it takes longer, as these blockages and imbalances, built up over time, are cleared to free you on the path to being your best self.

Make an Appointment with Marylee


Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Certified Body Code Practitioner

Jamie Girardi

Jamie Girardi - One of Prodigy Healing's experienced practitioners and energy worker with Prodigy Healing

Jamie Girardi is an intuitive and has practiced various healing modalities since 2003, when he studied Reiki in Kyoto, Japan. The primary goal of his practice is to clear impediments to personal and spiritual growth while improving overall happiness and wellness.

As a practitioner, Jamie is skilled in many modalities and techniques including:

  • Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code
  • Advanced reiki
  • Energetic acupuncture
  • Frequency therapies – crystals, wellness, foods, herbs, oils, etc.
  • Channeling and intuitive work
  • Inner child work and reintegration
  • Crystal work – including frequencies, clearing and cleaning, programming
  • Removal and clearing of detrimental and negative energies, entities, forces, etc.
  • Reintegration of soul shards (soul retrieval)
  • Past life investigations and clearing
  • Advanced chakra healing and opening
  • Shielding and protections
  • Removal of negative belief systems, fears, programming, and positive reprogramming
  • And more…

Jamie became interested in these modalities when he worked with a practitioner to clear imbalances related to serious chronic illnesses. Accordingly, he saw progressive improvements in clinical blood work, energy, and wellness until he was completely free of symptoms. For those reasons, he wanted to share this with others.

Jamie is an ordained minister and, in most states, may act as a celebrant for weddings, civil ceremonies, and other joining celebrations, with a focus on LGBTQ+ couples. You may make a free, short consultation with him to discuss options.

He also has an MBA and a background in entrepreneurship, business, project management, intuitive problem solving, and team building – he also provides small business consulting.

Make an Appointment with Jamie


Certified Emotion Code Practitioners
Certified Body Code Practitioners
Certified Belief Code Practitioners