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This varies from person to person. At the end of a session, we will check to see how many days you'll need to process what we cleared. For example, if we test that you will need 10 days to process, we recommend waiting at least 10 days to schedule your next session. If there is something that you feel needs to be addressed sooner than that, you may schedule a session sooner, but generally we ask that you give yourself plenty of time to process, integrate, and let your body do the healing.
Yes! We absolutely work with children. We generally have sessions that include both a parent and child, however the child does not need to be present. If the child is under 18, an adult must be present for the session. In this age, there are many children with spiritual sensitivities (e.g., indigo, crystal, rainbow, star children, star seeds, etc.). These children live in a physical world where there is no mainstream cultural support or guidance for them. It is critical that these children have a spiritual support system. When working with these children, we have seen miraculous and rapid results, as well as an increased spiritual awareness.
Yes and no. When we clear an emotion, like anger, we are clearing that trapped emotion from a single point in time when you were unable to process being angry. You may feel and be unable to process an emotion many times during your life – so during the course of our sessions, we may clear the same emotion multiple times – and each time we clear it, it is a different instance in your life when you felt that emotion.
Yes, it is absolutely safe. Because we are working directly with your subconscious, your subconscious will only allow us to clear imbalances that you are ready to clear. Luckily, the more we clear, the easier it is to clear additional imbalances. These modalities are safe, intuitive, and gentle – led by the innate wisdom of your own subconscious intelligence.
This varies greatly. For some things, you may experience results immediately, even during the session. For other issues, it may take months of progressive improvements until all symptoms are gone. For example, if you've had a chronic issue for 20 years, it may take 10-15 sessions to get it under control. Each case is different, so the best thing to do is have patience and trust your subconscious. It knows what it needs to heal.
There are no side effects in the traditional sense. However, there may be times when, during your processing time, you may have intense feelings or mild discomfort. Most people have none of these, but some people, when there is heavy processing, may experience some heightened feelings. For example, if we are clearing deep anger-related imbalances, you may feel very angry for a short period during your processing time. This is normal and it is your body's natural way to release and process these imbalances.
Currently, we do not offer in-person sessions. Distance or remote sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions. Additionally, we are often able to clear more imbalances in a remote session due to the faster workflow.
There are times when we work on a symptom and it goes away for a while - sometimes days or weeks - and then it returns. This is normal. There are a two reasons for this. Firstly, your issue may be very complex, and as we clear things, the symptoms go away until you're ready to release more imbalances that are also associated with those symptoms. Another reason is that sometimes our bodies, or subconscious, manifests imbalances with the same symptoms. For example, you may have itchy skin or constantly clear your throat when there's something wrong. It is kind of like our body's warning flag - it's way of communicating to you that there's something you need to work on. In either case, the more we work on the symptom, the longer time you will have without that symptom, until the symptom goes away permanently.
No, we will never test this and we cannot make medical recommendations. All of our modalities work in tandem with Western medicine and will not interfere with your medications. If we reach a point in your treatments where the symptoms for which you are taking a medication go away, we will recommend consulting the prescribing physician before taking any action regarding your medication. For specific questions regarding medication, please bring it up with one of our practitioners during a session and we will be happy to explain further.
We are able to help find and release imbalances that may cause difficulty with weight management, cravings, intolerance, inflammation, allergies, and other food-related issues. We are also able to find foods and nutrients that your body needs to maintain optimal nutrition. In addition, Jamie is certified in whole food plant-based nutrition - which is scientifically and energetically one of the best diets to adopt.
Yes! You are welcome to work with multiple practitioners from Prodigy Healing or other providers.