Belief Code now available at Prodigy Healing

Belief Code

Jamie was recently certified in the new system from Discover Healing called Belief Code – and the results are amazing. If you have had a session with us before, you are probably familiar with Emotion Code and Body Code. Belief Code is the next level of certification. It focuses on finding, removing, and replacing incongruent, negative, or detrimental belief systems.

We Create Our World

As we grow up on Earth, we are exposed to a great many experiences. During that time, we develop our own set of beliefs. These beliefs may be something we determined ourselves, based on direct experiences. Beliefs may also be from something suggested to us, or something we inherited from a family member.

Our beliefs literally create our world. They are the lens through which we view and interpret our experience. They also inform our thoughts, actions, logic, and decision making. Therefore, it is critical that our beliefs align with our higher self and uplift us rather than cause disruption.

photo of a woman thinking about Belief Code
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

How does Belief Code work?

Just like Emotion Code and Body Code, we find find and remove imbalances. However, Belief Code works a little differently. With Belief Code, after we come up with an intention, we find an entire belief system and remove it as follows:

  1. We first find all the negative programming that are part of this belief system. They could be negative programs and limiting beliefs. We also find the faulty core belief, which is like the root of the belief system. Sometimes there is a faulty core identity, which is essentially a part of your personality or your idea of self that does not serve you.
  2. Next, just like with Emotion Code and Body Code, we find any associated imbalances that are preventing us from removing the negative programming. There usually aren’t many, but we need to remove them. Then we can clear the negative beliefs.
  3. After we remove the beliefs, we can then bring in positive replacement beliefs that resonate with your higher self. These may be the exact opposites of the beliefs we removed, or they could be seemingly unrelated. We may also have to optimize your subconscious – kind of like reorganizing a book shelf – to help with the processing.

As a client, you may not even realize that we are using Belief Code because it integrates so seamlessly with Emotion Code, Body Code, and even ProdigyClear.

What are the benefits?

woman wearing white sleeveless lace shirt - thinking about how happy she is about using Belief Code at Prodigy Healing
Photo by nappy on

The benefits are powerful, alarming, challenging, enlightening, and life changing. This is real work on yourself and sometimes it is a lot to deal with – but it is work that your higher self wants to do. If it comes up in a session, then you are ready to work on it and move forward.

You may see results quickly – even the same day. However most people see results in days, weeks, and even months. The changes can ripple outward and things will change around you because how you see the world changes. In this sense you literally ARE the change you wish to see in the world, because you are changing yourself. It is truly powerful.

How can I try Belief code?

You can try Belief Code by making an appointment with Jamie. Generally, if you need Belief Code, it will come up during your session. However, if you want to ensure we use it in your session, just let Jamie know in the notes when you make your appointment. Get 11% off a session with Jamie by using the code BELIEF24!